With Nike's draw system it is hard to get by with just a few payment profiles. Nike requires that you submit your payment info when entering the draw and if you win Nike charges your card automatically unlike Shopify sites where you can use a round robin method for 3-5 payment profiles.
Billing Info
This is undoubtedly the hardest part of botting Nike. But can be done easily if you have the resources. The recommended account to billing profile ratio is 1:1. Some users have done up to 1:3 with success but from our observation, this is the easiest way for Nike to filter through entries on a hyped drop. And sometimes results in your order being canceled.
Credit Cards
How can 100 accounts be entered if you need a different payment method for each? That's probably the most common question we get when someone finds out that their ratio should be 1:1.
Luckily, there are things called Virtual Credit Cards (VCC) available. A VCC is pretty much a credit card number linked to your main credit card. There are sites like Privacy.com and Token which offer free VCC when you link your bank account. There are also banks like Capital One, Citi, and BofA which allow their customers to create VCCs.
Privacy is a good solution for VCCs, it's simple to use and has a great interface. The only drawback of Privacy is it limits you to 13 VCCs at a time. Now, if you are a heavy user and make a lot of transactions through Privacy you can email them to increase your limit.
Token is an app that links to your bank account just like Privacy. Token lets you create unlimited VCCs. However, don't get so excited because they only allow 2 charges from the same merchant within a short period of time. What this means is if 2 of your accounts win the draw the charges will go through, but if there's a 3rd account that gets charged Token will decline it.
Capital One
This is one of the best VCCs a reseller could ask for. Capital One's Eno lets you create unlimited VCCs. The only drawback is you can create a maximum of 25 VCCs per day. But if you start preparing early you should be fine.
Citi has a good VCC program as well. It's just like Capital One but it limits you to 100 VCCs in total. Some people have issues with Citi declining charges during a drop. So you will need to be ready to call them before a release to let them know you will be making transactions and not to decline any.
Bank of America
BofA used to have a great VCC program but has made recent changes and is not as good anymore. BofA lets you create a maximum of 25 VCCs. They also can be known to decline charges during a release like Citi so you will need to call them before a release as well to let them know you will be making transactions to Nike.
Shipping Info
First/Last Name
%fname% and %lname% are super convenient for using a random name. You want to use these so that your orders don't look similar and end up being cancelled.
Shipping is not as difficult as it seems. Especially, if you live in a house. If you live in an apartment it's going to be a bit trickier.
For shipping, you need to jig your address (the same applies to billing). We have a guide with all of the variables available to make jigging really simple especially when used with the template spreadsheet. There
Ways to jig your address (note: only jig Address field):
Address: 123 Happy St
Jig 1: 123 Happy St Apt 300 (this trick works if you live in a house and you can use it as many times as possible with different apt numbers)
Jig 2: ABC 123 Happy St (this trick works by adding 3 random characters to the front of your address. The shipping service will see it and think it's a mistake but still be able to deliver the package. There are variables available to make this easier)
These are just a couple examples. There are a few more ways to jig to make it look unique but still enough that your shipper will know where to deliver.
Phone Number
This one is very basic. Either put real phone numbers from your contact or use variables to put random phone numbers with your local area code (ex. 305%num7%).
Zip code and state should stay the same. Don't try jigging these.
If you can it's easier to just enable Shipping/Billing info to be the same.
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